Locating- Urban Outfitters Commision

For the second project within the Locating unit, I have decided to do the Urban Outfitters commission  We have been asked to created a wall based piece for the area outside the women's changing rooms in their shop on Market Street in Manchester.  Urban Outfitters is an American lifestyle brand aimed at the 16-30 year old market, with a large emphasis on creativity as well as delivering a compelling and distinct experience within the shop for the customer. I wanted to create a wall based piece that reflected this and would be in keeping with the style of the shop. 

I am going to take my sampling and ideas from the Geoffrey Manton project and push these further playing with scale, shape and colour to produce a new style of design, whilst still working with wood and thread. 

The wall outside of the ladies

The shop has a contemporary and graphic feel in regards to the design of the shop. 

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