Locating- Lasercutting Ply Wood

After my initial wood samples in MDF, I decided to cut similar shapes in ply wood as it is a far more environmentally friendly material. The detail of the grain of the wood complements the organic outline of the components and the lighter shade of the wood enables more colours and threads to used alongside the ply wood. I also added small holes to be able to sew into and add embellishment to the surface.

Once the pieces of ply wood were cut I experimented with different methods of protecting the wood and giving the wood a more finished and professional look. I applied varying amount of layers of a clear sating vanish, which enhances the colour and brings out the grain line of the wood further. I also tested out samples with beeswax which was not as successful  when applied to the surface it became slightly greasy and rough. with my samples from now on I will apply a few layers of varnish to protect the wood.

Below are my samples once they have been stitch into with varying threads. I like how the embellishment on the edges softens the feel of the wood as well as giving the wood a interesting texture and surface.  I also painted the wood with watered down acrylic which changes the look of the wood completely and takes away the grain and detail of the wood. I am not sure which one I prefer, but will experiment with different methods of displaying the components and see which layout works best.

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