8/12/13 Practice

My samples for the live brief for the L'Auiguille en Fete show in Paris have begun to take on a more optical look and the way on which the stitch and the line work together is reminiscent of the work of Bridget Riley. In her work she arranges and overlaps colours to give her work the impression of movement.  I have begun to look at how the arrangement of the lines and stitch together can create an interesting visual pattern by drawing as this is quicker than using the machines and stitching.

Although I have put aside the data visualation of my work for this part of the unit, I feel that there are still elements of this that are visible. The idea of movement has been continued, I previously was recording the physical action of movement but I am now creating movement through stitch and line.  Furthermore the repeat and parallelism of the lines is also reminiscent of my samples of recording data and using the thread as a measuring tool.

                                     Bridget Riley

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