Large Scale Printing

Not being very good with technology I have kept putting off going to use the large scale printers, but I have finally gone, and although it is quite complicated it is easier than I thought it would be! I scanned my maps in using the A3 scanners in the Mac suite in Chatham, I edited some of them and made them into patterns by layering and repeating them on Photoshop, shown below in the pictures. I have never created patterns on Photoshop before, but I surprisingly really enjoyed the process. It was so quick to make a pattern, just by duplicating layer and then layering them. This is a process that I definitely want to keep on working with and seeing what effects and patterns I can produce. I printed these off onto both A1 paper and A1 tracing paper and will now work into them and see what results will come out! It was great to see my designs on such a large scale rather than just on a screen. Seeing them big allowed me to see them in a new way and help to visualise what I wanted to achieve alot more, it was also satisfying seeing your work come out so big.

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