Self Evaluation of Sampling Unit

Overall I have definitely enjoyed this unit a lot more than the origins and I feel that this is reflected in my work. I think that this is mainly down to my workshop options that I have chosen, machine embroidery and print. I have enjoyed these workshops as they allow me to let my work be a lot more pattern based with a greater focus on colour and texture, all of which are elements of textiles that I particularly enjoy.

I found machine embroidery really interesting. Having only used a basic embroidery foot previously, being able to use a greater range of feet to produce more interesting results was enjoyable. This is definitely a technique that I would like to continue using and experiment more with. I equally enjoyed print as a medium, as once I has finalised my design, there was so much that could be done with just my one design, such as repeat, blocking out, stencilling, foil, flock etc. I hope I will carry this technique on and keep exploring all the possible results that can be achieved.
I have enjoyed looking at aerial photography as my source of inspiration. The world looks so different from up above, an angle we don’t usually think about when thinking of a certain place. When researching I found many images of amazing aerial view photos taken all over the world, showing incredible natural patterns, textures and colours.
Although I am reasonably happy with the outcome of my samples, there are a number of things that I would do or change if I had more time to develop my project. I would have incorporated colour a lot more into my work as I enjoy working with colour, but in this project my palette was too obvious (green for the countryside and grey for the city). By having such a literal colour palette I felt as though I limited myself with the results that I could achieve from my samples. I would also vary the scale a lot more, as I have tended to stick to small samples, with just the odd sample that is a little bigger.  My research could have been more extensive as well; I could have looked at a lot more varying scales of aerial photography that were personal to me. However this could be said for any project as research can be endless as there are so many strands a project could go on. But I hope I will be able to incorporate my interest in aerial photography into futures projects and look at different aspects of it to inspire my work.

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