Sketchbook Review- Origins

For the origins unit I decided to investigate Chinatown in Manchester. First of all, I went to Chinatown, wandered round and got a feeling for the place. I then took some photos and did some quick sketches of the buildings and the space around me.  Looking back I don’t like these initial sketches as they are very literal and there are not many interesting details in them.  I then found ‘Wing Fat Supermarket’ which was full of amazing looking food and all of the packaging of the tins and cans were very bright and I wanted to see explore thses further and see what was inside of them.
At first I was not keen on starting as I just had a big blank sketchbook which looked too pristine to ruin. But once I started to put pen to paper, I enjoyed adding to the sketchbook and seeing my work develop and exploring more about Chinatown.  I was also not the biggest fan of showing others my work in my tutorials, and it still is my favourite thing to do. But since the first few weeks I have not minded so much showing and talking about my work to the tutorial group.

I much prefer my drawing and research found from the supermarket and food as it much more pattern based and not so literal and it has been easier to apply my drawings to my chosen workshops, hand processes and dye.  I think that the drawing workshops have helped me with this as they have shown me that often the more interesting drawings are when the obvious is not drawn but the unknown is explored, which people often don’t notice at first.  Also the different techniques that we have been taught have inspired to draw in a different way, such as blind drawing and focusing on the negative and positive space.
From looking through my sketchbook, it is clear that I need to add more contextual references and look at the work of other artists working in the same media as me. By doing this it will help inspire my work and show new ways in which I could work, as well as helping to show me what is relevant and on trend at the moment.  From looking at others sketchbook, I would like to add more drawings and markmakings of the work that I have already done to my sketchbook, as well as using a greater range of materials and mediums.

My Dog....

Here is my dog I made for the summer project using maps and fabric.

Statement of Work

In my digital portfolio I have included a variety of recent work that I have carried out on my foundation course this year.  I have enjoyed exploring a variety of disciplines including printed textiles, illustration and ceramics, as it has allowed me to discover and experience new ways of working creatively. I have shown this in the photographs of my sketchbooks, worksheets and final pieces. I have especially enjoyed the printed textiles aspect of the course as it is such a diverse discipline and I would like to have the chance to learn about the many different elements of this broad subject, which I hope to achieve by studying on a degree course.

I particularly enjoy the ‘making’ aspect of my work as this gives me the chance to experiment and develop ideas for projects, as well as being able to see my ideas and designs come to life. My ideas and inspirations for my projects come from many aspects in life, including other designers work and observations of everyday life and the world around me. I have found Selvedge magazine very interesting with its broad range of designers and artists in the magazine, such as the recent article on Donna Wilson, as well as inspiring photography to accompany the articles.  

While I was travelling in South America last year, the bold bright colours of the architecture and the elaborate traditional costumes of Peru and Bolivia really caught my eye and this made me realise that I definitely wanted to be involved in the creative industry. Since starting my foundation course I have loved being able to explore colour, pattern and design and I would like to further this interest of mine.

Sketchbook Development

A picture from my sketchbook made using a variety of fabrics inlcuding linen, felt and lace. I have added extra detail using paper and machine stitching. This was my initial research for my artists book.

More sketchbook development...

A page from my sketchbook showing development for my own version of a family tree.

My Family Tree

My final piece for a project representing my family in my own version of a family tree. The longer the thread, the older the member of family. Each tag has each persons name and date of birth, either on a little luggage tag or a little envelope containing a miniture birth card.

Printed Textiles- Cutlery Project

Initial designs of a textiles project I am working on at the moment, based upon the theme of cutlery. I will screen print this design and other designs to produce a range of fabric samples.

Drawing- Mark Making

A section of a drawing worksheet, exploring different methods of mark making using a variety of mediums, including charcoal, ink and wax.

Ceramics- Miniature Bottles

3 Ceramic bottles made using a mould and then slip casting each of the bottles. Each bottle I made, in the series of 8, was either made of a different clay or was glazed in a different colour, so each bottle differs slightly from one another yet keeps the same shape.